JABM Volume 7, Issue 1, (2015)

Preliminary study on the marketing of pickles in Malaysia

Author(s): Norhashila Ismail

Keywords: Pickles, supply chain management, marketing chain management, fruits, vegetables, Malaysia


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Abstract: : Pickles are products produced for generations as a way to preserve fruits and vegetables. The purpose of this study is to provide new base knowledge regarding the pickle industry in Malaysia. One hundred and twenty nine respondents from a group of pickle manufacturers were interviewed using questionnaires. These manufacturers obtained their supplies of raw materials from farms, supermarkets or from their own crops. However, due to the small scale production and its seasonal nature, the manufacturers also sourced raw materials from farmers' markets or night markets in small quantities according to their current manufacturing requirement. Some of the raw materials such as mango, kelubi and salak are imported from Indonesia or Thailand. The study found that 89% of the manufacturers do not use machineries when making pickle. The majority of manufacturers, that is 91.40% from the total surveyed, pickled the fruits and vegetables in brine solution. More than half of the respondents added citiric acid to the brine solution during the pickling process. From the findings of this survey, manufacturers believed that mango pickles have the potential for further development in the future and is the consumer favourite right now. Even though Sabah has its own special pickle, compared to other states in Malaysia, there are not many pickle manufacturers there.


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