Volume 6 | Issue 1 | Review on Quality Assurance for Food-based Products in Malaysia
JABM Volume 6, Issue 1, (2013)
Review on Quality Assurance for Food-based Products in Malaysia
Author(s): Haron A. Rahim, Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman, Ismail Abd.Latif, and Selvakkumar A/L K.N. Vaiappurri
Keywords: Food, quality, safety, food-based industry, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP),
sustainable agriculture
Abstract: Quality assurance measures for food products have been widely applied by the food industry players due to an increase in the demand for good quality food-based products by consumers. The establishment of quality assurance requires that the food industry players provide safe and quality products at an early stage of the supply chain. This will reduce consumers’ concerns on food safety and quality issues in the market. In order to meet the challenging requirements of quality assurance, sustainable agriculture practices such as the implementation of GAP have increasingly been applied in Malaysia. The Malaysian quality assurance schemes were established to strengthen the processes and requirements as compared to GLOBALGAP schemes. Thus, through the implementation of schemes, the market opportunity becomes open to the industry players. Besides, society will benefits from what they purchase and consume.
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