Special Edition
JABM Volume Special Edition , Issue 1, (2008)
1. Potential of Selected Malaysian Tropical Fruits In Europe: Strategic Framework to Penetrate EU Market
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Author(s): Mohd Fauzi Mohd Jani, and Siohong Tih
Keywords: Tropical fruits, market structure, fruit positioning, European
2. New Agri-food Marketing System for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Malaysia: Some Structural Perspectives
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Author(s): Fatimah Mohamed Arshad
Keywords: Agri-food marketing, fresh fruit and vegetables, structural perspective
3. Food Consumption Trend: Transforming Issues into Opportunities
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Author(s): Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Jinap Selamat, Alias Radam, Abdul Ghariff Ramin, Tey Yeong-Sheng, and Ahmad Hanis Izani Abdul Hadi
Keywords: Food consumption, supply chain, value creation
4. Quality Assessment towards VHT Harumanis Mango for Commercial Trial to Japan
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Author(s): Faridah Hassan, Rosidah Musa, and Jamaliah Mohd Yusof
Keywords: Quality, VHT, Harumanis, Mango, Japan
5. Recommendations to Strengthen Halal Food Supply Chain for Food Industry in Malaysia
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Author(s): Suhaiza Hanim Mohamad Zailani, Zainal Ariffin Ahmad, Nabsiah Abd Wahid, Rosly Othman, and Yudi Fernando
Keywords: Halal product, food industry, supply chain management, syariah
6. Export Competitiveness of the Malaysian Processed Food in the Middle East Market
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Author(s): Jinap Selamat, Siti Fatimah Misran, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Jamil Bojei, and Rosli Salleh
Keywords: Processed food, competitiveness, constant market share, general electric model